Saturday, December 11, 2010

Free clip art of beautiful 1700's paintings,antique photographs of Hewitt children, genealogy Scottish Lovers

 Time sure flies by sometimes! My apology's for not writing sooner. My goal is everyday.!  I do not want to disappoint my followers and many visitors. You may need something for a last minute creation or gift. How fun to find a new bit of free clip art.
   These beautiful pictures are from . Let me know if you are able to use them. This is the first time I clicked an image from another blog and clicked it into my post.
I posted this because he is so handsome.
A few photographs and pictures from my collection of ephemera.

Scottish lovers from an old book. So old that all I  kept was  the illustration.

He has a handkerchief in his pocket! Lace collars and bows on little boys, styles sure have changed! As charming as they are I will take t-shirts and easy care knits any day.

Another sweet little one. Another of my favorite things, heirloom sewing. This dress is so beautiful. Hopefully it has survived and is a family treasure.
I just found the name of this toddler Walter Edward Hewitt
Just love the little girls expression! and another big big bow. This is Anna Margaret Hewitt and her brother Walter. 1912

Illustration from the back of children's book.

 Two little kitties also the cover of a children's book.

Hope you enjoy the images and make lots of pretty things and have fun doing so. much love Louise

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