Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Legacy Buttons Antique & Vintage, for collectors, artists, sewing & jewelry making

Finally some buttons on my blog! All the buttons belong to the Legacy thrift store. I should have them priced and take them in by the end of the week. So if you collect buttons or use them in your artful creations be sure and visit the store.  
Red and white for Christmas cheer.
There is nothing better than shell buttons!
I have seen them set out in crystal or china bowls for display.

From the 1930's-40's.

Just like new and still on the original card! I hope to isolate the graphic and post it for you.

A treasure of antique 1800's metal buttons. The large one in the back is more contemporary.

Vintage, some are Bakelite, celluloid and vegetable ivory.

A picture button featuring two angels or cupids climbing over a wall..

This is a very small enameled button. The enamel is a wonderful emerald green and not the black in the photo.

These cuties are from my button box.

More vintage plastic, Bakelite and celluloid buttons. The huge reddish one is carved Bakelite.

I am so proud of myself! I posted buttons on bumble button!
Bye, Louise

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