Thursday, January 13, 2011

My First Challenge!!! Jane Austen and Victorian Calling Card!

Hello and welcome,  to all new friends and followers and visitors who just stumbled upon
 Bumble Button      
  HOW FUN this blog world is!!!  I just love you all for coming by.
        Is the best way to respond to your comments by e-mail or should I go to your blog and leave a comment??
   Coming across one of your lovely blogs is  like finding the best trading card for a sought after baseball player or when I was young the Beatles! Remember those cards? I think they were in bubble gum wrappers. We would get so excited and put them in our stash to look at over and over.
     I know there are Artist Trading Cards but how about blog trading cards?( or are they the same thing?) real ones in the mail or by email?  Like leaving a calling card in Miss Jane Austen era or Victorian times.
      Is this how a challenge works?  If so than this will be my first challenge!!!

  Bumble Button is pleased to announce my first CHALLENGE!!!
  Create a calling card
 What ever that means to you.
Out of what ever you like,simple or fancy.

 Let's see.. Then I will make one to send to you. Should these be sent by email? or real mail?I could post them on my blog so every one can see!! ( if you are shy say "just for you" not for posting).
    Let's see...I will post them once a week say...on Monday's? Well there you go the challenge is on!!  Any guidance or suggestions regarding a challenge please fill me in?
     I can not tell you how tickled pink I am about this! Love Love a project!!
I just have to post this now. Photographs etc to come latter
Much love to all , Louise
P.S. Dear Andrea ask about the size. I hadn't thought of that. so  2" x 3"  or up to 3"x 4" sounds about right.
Now I will be making my own  very first ever little collage,paper thingy. L.B Bumble

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