Sunday, December 5, 2010

Free clip art images vintage Christmas tree, children in the snow toy horse & wagon

It has been a while since I visited all the great blogs that I follow. This morning was the perfect time to go poking around. Many many lovely blogs and people. So fun how one refers you to another. Be sure and check out the blogs I watch and follow.
While visiting other blogs I realized mine needs to be decorated! I have to admit that because of my blog skills (or lack there of) I could make a mess of it. Now after some reflection it is obvious that I have a design and style commitment problem.. Yikes!! But it is so true. Can't decide on what color to paint the bathroom or my bedroom etc..  I  stumbled upon  with so many beautiful rooms featured. All the owners have totally embraced a look.  I have a vision of what my header could be and my buttons could be buttons. Well in time bumble button will be all put together.
     I think December is going to go by fast. I love the lights and decorations of Christmas. Luckily eggnog is only available during the holidays. It is so easy to sip away regardless of fat content and calories. Santa, I need an exercise bike!    Enough babbling on about me, you need pictures to create and make things with. Today the pictures are a very mixed bag. A little something for everyone.The first few are from a child's music book titled "The Music Hour". Very cute. At some point it would be fun to change the colors.

Two formal 1700's portraits. Love the period clothing. When I was making doll houses I collected pictures for decorating and these were probably from an Art and Antiques magazine.

Lovely Victorian lady from the Goody's book.

 A toy horse and wagon from a children's book.
Stay warm and cozy tonight and thank you for visiting. I just love you all, Louise

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