Monday, November 15, 2010

Rare Adelaide Hanscom illustrations from 1905 Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Several years ago I saw this book at a rummage sale. I knew it was something special and purchased it. They pictures are so unusual. Thinking it might be of interesting for the bumble button.I looked into the illustrator. turns out this book is a real treasure. The book was in wonderful condition when purchased. I wish I had done my research before scanning the pictures. The book began to fall apart. Then I just pulled it apart for easier scanning. Now I am just sick over what I did.This book is a rare 1905 1st edition. Adelaide lived from 1875 to 1931 and is one of the first, if not the first, to use photographs for literary illustration.
I encourage you to  read more about this remarkable creative woman. Below are some links to learn more about her.
The pictures are quite different from what I have come across so they may only appeal to a few of you. If you like them, what an amazing collection to work with. Much love, Louise


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