Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Legacy a special store in Sebastopol Ca.

Hi everyone. Today I am so happy to share some photos of the Legacy! They only capture part of the store. A place to get lost in. A place to linger discovering little treasures in the nooks and cranny's. Since everything is donated you never know what you will find.Imagine you donated your entire craft or sewing room.
Sherry the wonderful manager who gave me the opportunity and encouragement to work at the Legacy. When the buttons needed to be passed on she asked me! One thing lead to another including my blog.
Vintage, antique and unique buttons.
The buttons! 
A  large and fabulous book selection

Yarn of all kinds

More buttons. There is also a big pot to buy them by the pound.

The consignment corner. Handcrafted items made by the volunteers.

Quilt fabric that is constantly being restocked.


Trims and ribbon
 If you are ever in Sebastopol Ca. it is a must. There is even a box or 2 in front of the store with free fabric and misc. Just had to share with you all this unique and special store. Much love to you all. Hope you are having an inspired and creative day, Louise

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