Friday, February 4, 2011

I am sick. yuk what a bother.

Hi everyone. This Bumble is not  bumbling very well and it is most annoying!
This week I have not been feeling well. Not quite a cold or flu but my cough kept getting worse. Went to the Dr. today and was astounded at what they think I have. Whooping cough or pertussis!!!! Isn't that the craziest thing. It will be very interesting if the lab work confirms this. Now as a child I had all my shots and vaccines so this is out of left field. It turns out that we need adult boosters.  Children and adults who are not vaccinated are getting sick, sometimes mildly(or are carriers) and this is challenging those of us who are vaccinated. Be sure and look into this. We all have children and family who could be harmed.   As I feel better I will return to posting new images and photographs. Thank you for your patience. Much love to you all. So happy you stopped by, Louise

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