Friday, November 12, 2010

A new batch to start the weekend

Welcome to all of you! The pic's in this post are so charming. Remember what I said about cleaning off my dining room table? It is now blog central. Piles of antique books and photographs waiting to be scanned. I am so impatient and want to list all of them now. Just have to pace myself or this will be the only thing I do! On to the images of the day; Be sure to click the pictures  for a larger image and then copy.
The cutest baby. what an expression. I think he is just darling.

Staying cozy inside on a winters day. Turn of the century mother and her dear daughter who is holding her little doll look warm and toasty..

This flourish is from 1915

Sweet children! Luella,Tom and Arnold Cannon

Remember sitting in your mothers lap like this.  

 I love this picture! My grandmother Nana playing the piano with my aunt Annette. The cute scotty dog is named Tuppence.
This is from a silver brochure.

Lovely 1920's Bride. This is unmarked probably one of my Nana's many friends.

Is this precious or what. Depression era little boy.
Love to see what you have been creating with all the ephemera. Be sure to drop me a comment when you visit. Much love to you all,Louise

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