Sunday, October 24, 2010

Two old photographs

 To excited to sleep, I have been up all night gathering  images. There are so many!  Other than some cropping I still need to figure out how to "cleaning up"the images. It is so odd to write as if there are tons of you following or reading this. The little girl looking in the mirror is a very interesting composition considering the age of the picture. Who she is and when it was taken are unknown.
 The baby picture is my beloved grandmother "Nana" as a baby.The picture was taken in 1903. Wonder what happened to her beautiful little dress? I love old lace, baby clothes, fabric, ribbon, heirloom sewing etc..Another fun thing to post. Bumbling around on the blogs, I knew I had found kindred spirits.Can't wait to hear from any of you. much love, Louise

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