Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Top 10 Cutest Girlfriend Traits

Top 10 Cutest Girlfriend Traits
via SankakuComplex:

Recently on Sankaku, a survey on Japanese men asking what sort of behaviour they find most cute in a girlfriend...
The ranking:

1. She links arms with you.

2. She makes you bento.

3. She does her best to help out in your daily life.

4. She asks "Do you love me?".

5. She always spend the weekend with you.

6. She asks "What were you doing?" if you don't see her for a day.

7. She wants to accompany you anywhere.

8. She cleans up your room for you.

9. She does her best to match her hobbies to yours.

10. She's jealous of your last girlfriend.

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