Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Air Asia Accident

Air Asia Accident in KL Airport
News Not Covered
by Media
Special thanks to Chunling for forwarding the email:

Air Asia boast of good safety records... cheap fares... economy travel... One might wonder how Air Asia maintain their aircrafts with such cheap fares...
or do they even maintain their aircrafts to begin with...?
Interestingly enough, the forwarded email mentioned that this incident was never reported in the news media... and speculated that it might involve the government...I did a Wikipedia search on Air Asia and it was documented that on November 7, 2004, Air Asia flight 104 skidded off the runway in heavy rain after it touched down at Kota Kinabalu International Airport. Two passengers suffered minor injuries.
Q: Hmm... on second look, the photos above does looked like the aftermath of a heavy rain...

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