Monday, April 27, 2009

Training with Hinako

Training with Hinako
[Issho-ni Training] or
via Dannychoo and SankakuComplex
For those of you guys out there who need motivational help in exercising, Issho-ni Training puts you in the company of bra-less Hinako who'll work out with you... (no, not on you...)Thousands of otakus have jumped on the wagon to to get their hands on this anime DVD for a modest ¥2,100 (approx. S$33.00).
Sankaku advised to expect a rapid succession of sequels and the inevitable game adaptions to following... A very good Marketing franchise is born...

View the anime clip below and judge for yourself how much you'll be attracted to the fluid motion of the charminly athletic Hinako~

DVD is available at Amazon Japan here: Issho-ni Training.

Watch the Otaku below as he follows the workout routine with Hinako:

Q: Also good for learning how to say in Japanese from 1 until 24...

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