Saturday, March 7, 2009

Phuket - Phi Phi Islands: Day 5

Phuket - Phi Phi Islands: Day 5
1st March 2009

8:05am Phuket time...
Hopped out to Loh Dalum Bay first thing in the morning to check out the tide-level...
It was low tide... and walking out to the waters for a swim means about a 100metres walk out towards the sea...8:16am Phuket time... Maya Restaurant...
Today's sunny-side ups looks more appetizing~
Orange juice always look delicious in a glass~
Same menu~ Ham, Bacan, Eggs... today's muffin is banana-flavoured...
Salami + Mozzarella Cheese, Croissant + Butter~
8:54am Phuket time...
On the way back to room.... took this photo as we passed the courtyard... told you they spray water in the mornings...
8:56am Phuket time...
Loh Dalum Bay... Within less than an hour, the high-tide is flowing inland...
and the Long-Tail Boats are beginning to gain their float...
Here's a video clip of the high-tide flowing in...

Our room door... back to our room to gather our barang barangs and change into something light for water activities~
9:13am Phuket time...
Weather was exceptionally ideal for sea-sports that morning; was a cloudy and shady morning, and the water just filled up the bay... That's the kayak we rented for 2 hours...
Loh Dalum Bay... crystal clear and calm waters... kayaking to explore the nearby coast is the most ideal~
Here's a video clip of the rowing out...

We took to the left and row our way nearer the coast line... Water was slightly over 2 metres deep (stretched my oar underneath the water and barely touched the seabed with the tip only.... ), but was so clear I could see what was beneath~The water cut under these limestone cliffs at many cave-like areas and I really wish I could be in scuba mode and diving beneath those waters to see what was down there... Took another video clip...

There were couple of narrow water-ways to maneuver through as well~ just have to watch out for protruding stones and the water level that might scratch your kayak...
Spotted a grey heron...We had tried to maneuver through that overhang ahead of us...But the water proved too rocky to attempt that we had to reverse out~!We kept to the left of the coast out of Loh Dalum Bay and kept paddingly slowly...10:15am Phuket time...
Monkey Beach / Yong-Gasem Bay
We found another paradise~!The waters at this bay was so beautiful and clean that I thought I could swim butt naked there if there was no one around~!
Well, the bay was called "Monkey Beach" for no reason...Strangly, there were a couple of locals there with a beverage store... and of course, the monkeys just hang around there for food~
A word of caution though, there were at least a horde of some 20 monkeys in the trees, and they are hungry and yet protective as well.... so if you have no bananas for them, its best to keep your distance...

I stayed on the beach keeping a look out for our barang barangs and our kayak which I pulled up ashore... two groups of tourist disembarked...

They started feeding and photographing the monkeys... but while I was there, I witnessed one of the tourists chased by the dominant male, while another was chased by a group of monkeys... I think they (the tourists) sorta crossed the line and the monkeys felt threaten...
Got an Ang Moh to take our photos~ picturesque scenary~
More monkeys...

10:58am Phuket time...
Paddled back to Loh Dalum Bay...
I thought 3 hours would have been better~
11:08pm Phuket time...
Returned our kayak after the 2hr rental...
11:31am Phuket time...
This 15-litre Ocean Pack served me well~
We bought another 2 more coconuts back to the hotel's pool side...
and we relaxed in the late morning sun~ enjoying this beautiful view~
Here's the video clip~

Had initially thought of kayaking there... but its further than I thought...
Here's the paranomic view from my deck chair...Right behind our deck chair is the swimming pool~ there was this fountain in the pool that allows swimmers to sit underneath...1:56pm Phuket time...
Lunch time at Pum Cooking School....
Ordered this cocktail called "hmmm~ Smooth!"... simply coffee with whisky... I dun like the colour ... but taste ok~
Pat-Thai Fried Noodles with egg~
Tom Yum Goong~
Sticky Rice with Mango~!
I love this~! Yummy! Rice was glistened with coconut milk...
I love it~! I love it~! I love it~! I love it~! I love it~! I love it~! I love it~! I love it~! I love it~! I love it~! I love it~! I love it~! I love it~! I love it~! I love it~!
6:25pm Phuket time...
Dinner hours~ the restaurants along the streets were displaying their fresh-catch....
Choose from a variety of seafood~

6:28pm Phuket time...
Tonsai Bay sunset...Walked past the local Phi Phi Island Police Station and took a quick snap of it... the officer behind the desk was quick to cover his face~ kekeBeautiful isn't it?
Here's another paranomic view of Tonsai Bay at sunset...This row of new buildings looked like future shophouses... hope the little Phi Phi village thrives and become better.... will visit this place again~6:30pm Phuket time...
We walked further east and came upon another seafood restaurant on a smaller scale... but it still hosts a large fish...
I was amazed by this water melon... I saw a fella craving this out earlier in the day!
6:32pm Phuket time...
Andaman Legacy Resort - Garden Restaurant...
Margarita... I couldn't finish this one... was too strong for me...
Garden salad...Thai-style Fish Cake... This one was yummy~
Tiger Prawns
Seafood Cocktail in cream and pineapple sauce...
Fried bananas with Vanilla Ice Cream and honey syrup~The waiter at the Andaman Legacy Resort offered to help us take this photo... The service there was 7 stars. Was so good we tipped the waiter...
Was a candle-lite dinner out at the garden... and we were the only customers there... Every 5 mins or so, the waiter will come over and check if the food was okay~ everything okay? Etc...
(Cat was our companion... cute).
The waiter even came with 2 of theses mosquito coils and placed it under our table to ward off any mosquitoes~ sweet!
The only minus-point, respectfully speaking, and as a matter of fact, was that there was a mosque right beside... 6:45pm / 7+ pm / 8+pm... thrice during our dinner there, the mosque broadcasted their prayers...
... and the staff at the Andaman Legacy Resort was nice enough to tune down (to near silent) the volume of the music/songs they were playing at the Garden... sweet! As a Singaporean whom have grew up being used to the many enthic groups in our country, I find it nice to see that the people on Phi Phi Island are also living together harmoniously~
8:39pm Phuket time...
We realised we didn't fully explored the streets of Phi Phi Island throughly... cuz we chanced upon a street we have not walked before and it brought us to another couple of busier streets deeper into the island...
Here's a video clip; that was when I thought "so thats where all the Ang Mohs disappeared to... ". There, Pubs, Bars and Grills, and more non-seafood restaurants can be found...

Alcohols were sold in little pails like these... its usually a combination of a bottle of local thai beer, a bottle of hard liquor, and a little can of red-bull or softdrinks...
Also chanced upon a kitty playing with a tiny mouse (near death)...

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