Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Phuket - Phi Phi Islands: Day 2

Phuket - Phi Phi Islands: Day 2
26th February 2009

11:40am Phuket time... along Rat-U-Thit Road~
Ohayo Tours~ such Tour-booths are very common everywhere at Patong Beach. This booth is just a stone throw away from our guesthouse.
Hard to miss this booth due to its bright pink colour. Here, we can book many day-tours and activities and just pay upfront here. The friendly tour operator will phone up the activity vendors to arrange everything for us, then issue you a receipt.Was there first thing in the morning to book for our hotel pick-up to the Phuket Pier and the ferry transport to The Phi Phi Islands~ Supposedly 400Thb /person (includes a/c minivan pick-up and the one-way Ferry ticket), but both of us were give a discount of just 700Thb for both! We did went around to check out other booths, and it is really a relatively standardize rate of 400Thb /person; just the one-way Ferry alone is 300Thb /person already.The counter is literally piled with many many many and many brochures and pamplets introducing day-tours of The Phi Phi Islands, Snorkeling trips, PADI Dive Courses, Elephant trekking, Phantasea, etc etc... In addition to the transfer to The Phi Phi Islands, we also booked for two shooting games at a discounted rate of 750Thb /10 rounds of 9mm gun (instead of the usual rate of 850Thb), and 2 tickets to the famous Phuket Simon Cabaret. The operator was delighted that we booked so many packages with her that she gave us the VIP seats for the price of the normal seats (only 500Thb /person, instead of 600Thb /person). Following which, I think she closed shop for the day... earned enough liao~12:09pm Phuket time...
Went for brunch at The Royal Paradise Hotel just across the road. Weather was so hot I was looking for some place with Aircon. The Royal Paradise Hotel has a buffet dinner for only 250Thb /person (that's less than S$11 each!), and boasts of International cuisine, so do drop by for dinner if you're ever there. Melon shake~
Watermelon juice~
American Fried Rice
Grilled Fish Fillet in Cheese and Butter cream~Shrimp cocktail
Caramel Custard...
Coconut Restaurant... There was no customers at the restaurant when we reached, so we felt as if we booked the entire restuarant down... keke~
Me having fun with the furnitures...1:30pm Phuket time...
After lunch was a trip to the shooting range. However... the trip there was treacherous! We did ask a couple of locals along the way for directions there, and everyone said "Go up the hill and down, and you'll see it...". I tell you, you take a look at the video footage below, that's the route we took on a tiny little 100cc automatic motorbike... (I already shortened the clip. I took the footage of the route the next day when we travel out of Patong to Phuket Pier). I had problem climbing the hill as I could feel my motorbike lose power on the ascend... the descend was worst; the rear brakes didn't really gave us the braking we wanted. Think Initial D, the descend comprised of multiple S-turns at some 40 degrees angle, and we could see all the way down to the furthest S-turn below... Yike!

1:40pm Phuket time...
Finally, after like some 10mins going up and down the hill (we screamed on the way down, yes, we screamed), this huge banner beckoned us in. It was really the "up the hill and down, and you'll see it". I heaved a sigh of relieve as I parked our motorbike in... I didn't wanna think of the trip back to Patong Beach over the same route... (T . T)
You'll find this Shooting Range operator both at Ao Nang (Krabi) and Patong (Phuket). This Patong branch is located along the Phrabarami Road on the way to Phuket Town. Ask around for directions and I think every locals will tell you "over the hills up and down, and you'll see it".
With over a wide selection of rifles, shotguns, handguns and pistols, there's something for everyone~ (so long as you got money~ keke). We chose the 9mm semi-automatic handgun (10 rounds each). 750Thb/ person for the 9mm handgun package.
Cameras ain't prohibited there, and these handguns are openly displayed in the windows at the counter.
This is the 9mm semi-automatic handgun we chose~
I'm not familiar with guns, so I'll save myself from any technical descriptions. Pistol.Rifles.
Rifles with scope.We got a briefing by an instructor on how to hold the handgun correctly (I guess as a guy, it comes naturally). Then the instructor proceeded to take 2 photos of us each using a digital camera he hung around his neck.
After the whole session, he brought us to a TV, hook up his digital camera to show us the photos he took of us, and let us choose which photo we want. 200Thb /photo. (What a way to earn additional money... haha). The photos come in a nicely designed paper frame. Not bad~Target board is some 25 years away. 10 shots each magazine. There's a control panel beneath the table that brings the target board towards / away from the shooter (those we often see in the movies~ keke).
Here's a short video clip of the shooting. I tell you, you have to be there to feel the impact of the sound from the gunshot. The ear mufflers on my ears are really a must. I thank army days for the shooting experience. Makes me wonder how those people in those police versus thieves shootout scene can endure shooting without ear mufflers. ..

My result... not very nice... now I know how come those good guys never get a single gunshot from the bad guys in those shootout scenes despite having bullets raining on them...
9mm bullet caps on the floor... (note: DO NOT ever try to take these back to Singapore as souvenirs /keepsakes; a person with unlawful possession of these "arms" or any components of such arms shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 years and to a fine not exceending S$5,000. Q: "If you're caught, that is...").
2:20pm Phuket time...
Following the shooting session, just 1km away is the Go-kart track.
Chose the 12min Adult kart for 600Thb /person. There was a promotional package that lets you drive a Go-kart for 10mins + an off-road buggy for another 10mins @ 1000Thb /person.
The vendors really know how to make money. The moment we were there looking at the price chart, there was a fella already shooting his video camera at us. From signing the Indemnity form, to choosing and wearing the helmet, getting into the Kart, driving around the track, until we came back and take off the helmet... everything was filmed down. Then the fella showed us the video footage and we bought a DVD from him @ 350Thb. Below is a footage... I shortened and compressed it.

3:25pm Phuket time...
Back at The Bird Cage Guesthouse... the guesthouse has already reserved this slot for my motorbike. I always park at the same spot. Its really nice to feel that your presence is being taken notice there.
6:21pm Phuket time...
Haven had coffee the whole day, and was running a little headache (withdrawal symptoms!)... so we popped over to a cafe across the road for a cuppa and a cake~
Just look at the thickness of the chocolate~ its rich and bitter sweet~ SINFUL~~~
6:56pm Phuket time...
Pretty full from our evening coffee and cake, we strolled the streets for a little shopping~ Bought myself a Billabong boardshorts for 300Thb right outside the cafe.
I guess its "chiong" stuff, but then again, the finer details are pretty convincing isn't it? Below are the ring studs at the pocket... No spelling errors~ haha
Fella selling the boardshorts is a Vietnamese guy who can speak pretty good chinese. We were taken by surprise when he converse in chinese with us.Also bought this LV design ankle sock for fun! 50Thb each.Walking along the streets of Patong Beach during dinner hours, its easy to spot seafood restaurants like this below... there usually have a huge wooden boat or sink filled with ice...
Then they'll display all the seafood and fresh catch of the day on the ice~ from clams, to mussles, oysters, crabs...
Gigantic Tiger Prawns...
Lobsters... crayfishes, red snappers, sole fishes, sea basses, squids, etc...
Spotted what looks like a mega dive equipment shop from across the road - WaterWorld.
Also spotted something like a couple of hundreds of birdies on the electric wires... (go walk underneath for a shower of hot cream...)
Further down the streets of Rat-U-Thit Road (past the Bangla Road intersection) the traffic here are slightly faster as pedestrains are lesser...
Many roadside stalls lined along the streets, selling quite similar items... bangles, necklaces, hats, braclets, etc... (pardon me for the the blurred photos, I was walking and shooting....)The items for sale wasn't really that enticing to bring out my wallet...
Christine Massage~
ah~ this is one funny experience we had. Very prominently marked on most Patong Beach maps, we were on the lookout for a good place for massage and thought Christine is a big and nice venue for some higher-end package to pamper ourselves... we walked into the lobby that earlier afternoon, but made a U-turn halfway in as we thought we might have walked a wrong route and decided to checkout the shop outside first. Once outside again, some fellas thought we might need help and called out to us. We asked what was upstairs and the reply was "massage and special massage~". Opps! Lucky thing we didn't head in all the way just now...

I did a Google on Christine Massage:
This is the only brothel type of Massage in Patong. When you go to Christine's, you will walk up a flight of stairs and enter a long room with some tables and chairs and a bar. Go ahead and sit down, order a drink and in front of you will be the fishbowl with 30+ ladies for you to choose from. Superstars are on the right (younger/more beautiful), and the ones on your left are the Regular ladies (older/uglier/more experienced).

Girls are split into 3 sections; from 1800Thb to the Regular ones at 2000Thb, to the Superstars at 2500Thb.
7:01pm Phuket time...
Lamai Hotel. Had initially wanted to book at this place as well. Becuz its along Rat-U-Thit Road and there is motorbike rental right at the doorsteps... rates are cheap too! Check out for more information.
Tony Resort was prominently spotted along Rat-U-Thit road too.
Looks bright and decent, and near many shopping and restaurants too. (Reminds me of Tony Romas...)
Somewhere along the streets, spotted more ankle socks... 3 for 100Thb... (%$#@, I bought one for 50Thb earlier... tio tok already)...
7:14pm Phuket time...
Further down Rat-U-Thit Road, we stumbled into a district what looks like a sheltered shopping arcade...Its the usual clothing, T-shirts, scarfs, dresses, etc...
What looks a possible stuff worth buying are these CK boxers~Further inwards, we entered an even larger shopping district, but were surprised to find there the streets are so empty... wondered where everyone has gone to...

Spotted this poster along the road... You have to wear helmet while riding along the streets in Phuket... most major road intersection has a traffic police there.8:10pm Phuket time...
We walked back to Tiger Inn (the restaurant at the mouth of the street where The Bird Cage is situated) for dinner. The restaurant looks too novelty to give it a pass.
The interior decor is beautiful~
Lotsa lights~
The seafood spread at the entrance...

Orange Juice~
Chang beer is good~Forgot the term for this... its a sponge-material cup/bottle/can holder... Love the design as it prominently circles out the major tourist destinations - Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Pattaya, Ko Samui, Phuket, Krabi, etc... You're find these are souvenir shops too.
Tom Yum Goong (white base)...
Sole fish fillet...
Tiger Prawn with Thai-style curry and rice.
Right beside the Tiger Inn restaurant, this is the shop where I rented my motorbike from. My Passport is held ransom there... there're still many nicer motorbikes there.... wonder why I was given such a ugly black motorbike and a smelly helmet... (Ya, I washed my hair many times, thanks to the helmet. I should have taken a photo of it... looks disgusting!).9:30pm Phuket time...
Simon Cabaret. Located along Sirirat Road, just travel down Rat-U-Thit Road until the road bends left, then make a right turn at the intersection (watch out for traffic) and some 500 metres down, you'll find it. Ask the locals if you lost your way; everyone knows where it is.
Unfortunately, image and video capturing device are prohibited inside the theatre and carries a fine of US$50,000 for offenders... but I tell you, the show was AMAZING! I could have bought a 8GB SD card and film the entire hour of performances!
"Borrowed" pictures from the Simon Cabaret website...
Simon ParadiseDream GirlsBu Check Tien (Wu Ze Tian)TribalAreedangFeverSally Yeh
She sings the famous 潇洒走一回~
Egyptian QueenJapanese ComedyBack to Brazil10:52pm Phuket time...
The performances ended and the ahem~ "beautiful girls" lined up outside for photo opportunities with the audiences.
Lighting was bad and I'm not a flash-user... so its hard to capture sharp images as they kept moving around.
This "beautiful girl" is the comedian performer of the Cabaret. She appeared twice, once in Japanese Kimono with 2 fans, and the second in the one you see below... she'll stick her tougue and wriggle wriggle at the audiences... and she'll suddenly turn and look at the male audiences... make eye contact with her and she'll walk down the stage and plant your face with many red lipstick kisses! One Ang Moh guy even got his face plunged into her boobs! Eww~~
Compiled a video footage of the scene below... you'll notice that one of the "girls" gets 90% of the crowd... she's the most beautiful girl amongst, and all the guys are crowding over her for a photo. Also keep a lookout for 2 handsome "guys".

Photo opportunities are 100Thb for each "girls", but you better have the exact amount ready as they do not return you any change.
The bill board outside the theatre~There were some 30 odd performers...And they're ever ready to beckon you over for a photo~Spotted any adam apples?

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